Photographers CAN (caring about nature) is a non-commercial group of amateur and professional photographers who want to share the wonder and beauty of nature. With our photos, we seek to inspire others to conserve species and their habitats for future generations.
“It all began with a photo. In the summer of 2010, I was out for a stroll with my wife in Saint Joseph, MI when we came upon a large apple tree blanketed in Monarch butterflies. There were hundreds, maybe even over a thousand butterflies gathered on that single tree. Deeply moved by the beauty of these creatures resting on their migration, I took several photos. My favorite from that experience is shared here.
Several years Later, I became aware that Monarch populations are struggling. Their numbers have decreased by over 80% since the 1980s with losses reaching a staggering 97% in the western United States (https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/invertebrates/monarch_butterfly/).
If the trends continue, the opportunity for others to have that experience, to see the wonder and beauty of the Monarchs in migration, will go away. However, there is still an opportunity to reverse that trend. I created this site so photographers who care about nature can share their work and inspire anyone and everyone to get involved, to donate and help preserve these extraordinary creatures. Not just for the current generation but for the future.
Photographers CAN is a labor of love. The photographers who contribute and the people who maintain the site are volunteers. We hope to direct attention and donations to worthy causes that are well-placed to further our goals of conservation and diversity.” —Tom Remisoski, August 2020
Please note that all photos shared on this site are copyright the individual photographers and they retain all rights to their work.